Besides the actual science of molecular biology and genetics, Theresa is interested in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) or Aspects (ELSA) of the Life Sciences. During her undergraduate studies in Biology and Philosophy, she took a close look on bioethical discussions, e.g. considering the beginning of life. In her blog, The Gene of the Week, Theresa often discusses societal aspects of current-day genetics research news. During her PhD, Theresa collaborated on two projects on the interface between arts and the life sciences at the Freiburg Theater, Life in the Lab and Superbody. There she came in contact with Science and Technology Studies (STS). As part of a highly interdisciplinary team she published an article on Race and Genetics in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. A few years later, she was invited to write an essay for Laborjournal for which she decided to present a critique on the CJEU ruling on genome-edited crops. The Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies (CIBSS) invited Theresa as a panelist on their discussion on modern-day scientific publishing. Theresa is happy to engage in discussions about genetics that go beyond the actual research – for instance when it comes to whole-genome sequencing or direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing.
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